Thursday, 15 October 2015

Dice for the dice god. Double skulls for his throne!

My second round game with my Goblin team in the Championship had to be abandoned as my opponent Tom was having a nightmare getting time to get to the club to play it.  The delay was slowing down the rest of the league so we decided to call it a 0-0 draw with no SPPs, money or fan factor changes just to get things ticking along.

This meant that my third round game was ready to be played, this one being against my buddy Rid with his Khorne team.  Just to explain a bit about his team, the Khorne team was first featured on the Cyanide PC game and a lot of people want to use in on tabletop format.  Although they are not a BBRC approved team as far as NAF tournaments go, I thought it wouldn't hurt for them to be allowed in our club league, especially as Rid had bought a team on a Kickstarter.

"Let's ROOOOCK!"
Rid had had a rough couple of first games so he was using a couple of journeyman Pit Fighters.  Our rosters, both 1.1 mil TV, were :

Fouling Griffons - Goblin

2 x Trolls
1 x Pogoer
1 x Fanatic
1 x Looney
1 x Bombardier
8 x Goblins
4 x Rerolls
1 x Apothecary

AFC Goretide - Daemons of Khorne

1 x Bloodthirster
2 x Khorne Heralds
1 x Bloodletter Daemon
5 x Pit Fighters
2 x Journeyman Pit Fighters
2 x Rerolls
1 x Apothecary

I received the ball and immediately tried to clear a path to get a blitz on Rid's Bloodthirster.  That thing is dangerous with ST5, Horns, Frenzy, Juggernaut and Claws...  I sent in one of my Trolls to hit him and he rolled a both down result.  Nooooo!  The Troll failed spectacularly in trying to make the Loner roll so he burned a reroll and the two titans went down, the Bloodthirster knocking out the Troll in the process.  The rest of the first half looked like it was going to continue along this rather bruising path - he turned me over and he scored in Turn 6 which forced me to bring out some of my secret weapons.  At this point, Rid had used up both his rerolls and the Khorne team started failing dice rolls.  I guess it should be of little surprise when you think of the team theme but he really did roll a lot of Attacker Down and Both Down results.  Not great for a team with no Block skills by default.  Thanks to Rid's team self imploding, my Pogoer got a chance to grab the ball and bounce off into the end zone to equalise.

In the 2nd half my Troll woke up enough from the KO result to amble back onto the pitch and we set up for Rid to receive the ball although he only had nine players on the field.  Rid collected the ball from the kick off and moved down the field - but left a small chance for one of my Trolls to make a couple of GFI to blitz the ball carrier.  He did just that and smashed the player to the sideline - the ball scattering off field and being thrown back into Rid's half of the field.  Then it was a footrace to get to the ball!  One of my Goblins got lucky and dodged away from a marker, picked up the ball and scored to make the game a 2-1 win for my Goblins!  We also managed to get a 4-3 result on casualties too which was great.

My two Trolls gained skills, one getting Guard and the other getting +1 Strength which was most welcome.  My Looney had suffered a -1 Strength injury though so he got the sack and I bought a replacement Looney with my winnings.

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