Thursday, 10 September 2015

An Evening With Nuffle

I had two games lined up for yesterday evening which was a little ambitious of me.  The first was my initial Championship game for my Fouling Griffons goblin team vs a human team and the second was a Round 2 game for my undead against a Nurgle team.

"ST7 ball & chain you say?"
My goblins were facing my mate Dave's human team, The Marvellous Avengers.  His team is really nice - they've been painted so that the models look like Marvel Avengers members.  Unfortunately I had to field my WIP goblins who've only had a basecoat on the skin.  I will endeavour to get some more done on them before their next game!

Our rosters were as below :

Fouling Griffons - Goblin

2 x Trolls
1 x Pogoer
1 x Fanatic
1 x Looney
1 x Bombardier
8 x Goblins
4 x Rerolls

The Marvellous Avengers - Human

1 x Ogre
4 x Blitzers
1 x Thrower
1 x Catcher
4 x Linemen
2 x Rerolls

We drew on the FAME roll but I won the toss so I elected to receive the kick-off.  Dave obligingly lined three linemen up on the LOS and, upon my setup, I placed the Fanatic in front of them.  I left the Looney and Bombardier off the pitch to save them for the 2nd half.  The Bombardier did some pushy shovey stuff as he did but, as this was my first tabletop game using goblins, I made a mistake on how the ball and & chain works as I was throwing block dice to see what happened to already prone players (something I will remember in future!).  At one point he managed to throw a triple skulls so he wasted one of my rerolls fairly early on.  Dave's team took a bit of a smacking to start with but he managed to work out a blitz on my Pogoer who went KO and also managed to cause a MNG on a troll by fouling him.  It was all downhill from there!  Dave turned me over and managed to score on turn 6 which meant I had to bring on my remaining secret weapons - disaster!  On the last two turns I sent my Looney after Dave's Catcher and Thrower but just managed to stun them.  The Bombardier only threw one bomb in a desperate effort to stop Dave scoring again - and it was laser guided causing his ogre to fall over and to knock out a blitzer.  For the second half, I just had one troll and six goblins on the field so there wasn't a lot I could do to stop Dave scoring again.  In the end, the game did finish 2-0 which was probably a fair result.  I will miss the troll for the next game for sure!

After that tough game I was rewarded by yet another tough game!  I put the goblins away and got out my undead to play Sherwin's Nurgle team, Gorerotted.

"Are you sure you don't just want to concede now?"
Sherwin is a very good Blood Bowl coach despite ignoring the game and playing Warmachine solidly all last year.  He's won the league a couple of times so I was expecting a tough match.  Not as tough as it ended up being though...

Our rosters were as below :

The Lords of Midnight - Undead

2 x Mummies (one with Guard)
2 x Wights
3 x Ghouls
4 x Zombies
3 x Rerolls

Gorerotted - Nurgle

1 x Beast of Nurgle
4 x Nurgle Warrior
1 x Pestigor (Block)
5 x Rotters
2 x Rerolls

I received the ball to start with and the ball bounced into the hands of a ghoul which was rather handy.  I had to work to make a hole through his rather whiffy defence (Sherwin had to spend the whole game reminding me to roll for disturbing presence by saying "UGLY! each time I forgot") and managed to get a ghoul through to go 1-0 up.  It was at this point that Sherwin's dice went on fire!  POW!  Badly hurt ghoul.  POW!  Serious injury on a wight (thankfully regen'd), etc.  His team smashed me apart.  I managed to stop him equalising in the first half but I couldn't do a lot to stop him in the 2nd half apart from keeping him to a 1-1 draw.  Miraculously, none of my players were seriously hurt so I still have a full team for the next game.  I was going to buy a ghoul but after two games I only have 60k winnings so I think I will buy another zombie so I have a spare man for fouling purposes.

Two really hard games - I think the rest of the season is going to be exactly the same for both my teams!

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